Let them dry and paint them first with acrylic brown paint, then dry brush them with a metallic paint. Remember to paint the edges of the pages brown to create worn look.

To create fun bottles, use wine and beer bottles, drip hot glue down the sides and let dry. Once dry spray paint with white, add free clip art designs, then dry brush with brown paint to age.
To create candle, use soup/bean cans wrap with paper to hide ridges, drip hot glue down sides and let dry. Spray paint white, dry brush brown to add details.
Save old jars and print off free clip art, glue to bottles and dry brush brown.

Use only battery operated candles and tealights. Never use real open flames around your creations!
For boarded up rooms or windows use cardboard and cut into strips, paint with brown paint to look like old wood, add keep out or other sayings on them.
Cheese cloth is a great way to create creepy, smokey affect around jars and bottles and for add fun put glow sticks in jars for lighting.
Use black construction paper to cut out bats, birds, spiders.

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