Using a yarn needle, weave the yarn in and out, anywhere on your slippers you wish. This is your own design so be creative and have fun!
Once you are happy with the design you have created, go ahead and follow the felting instructions on your pattern. Now, this is the exciting part, you have to wait and see how it will turn out.
When you have your slippers felted to the correct size, trim off any yarn that did not felt. I used a little soap and warm water to just smooth down where I trimmed by rubbing it with my hand.
When my slippers were dry, I added a few buttons to complete my look. And I have to say for an experiment, I am pretty happy with the out come.
This is a fun and easy way to wet felt a technique on your slippers, that anyone can do! Be creative and have fun!
And as always, I am happy to share with you!